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Research Summary
Urban Aboriginal issues; Métis history and contemporary issues; Tonga, trans-national migration and globalization; regional food systems; Indigenous methodologies; participatory action research; community based research; and Island studies
Courses & Teaching
Globalization and Indigenous peoples
PhD, McMaster University
MA, McMaster University
BA, University of Victoria
Research Interests & Projects
Urban Aboriginal Issues; Métis History and Contemporary Issues; Tonga; Trans-national migration and globalization; Regional Food Systems
Selected Publications & Presentations
Evans, Mike. “Afterword: Things, Things That Matter and the Value of Aquapelagic Thinking.” pp. 173-180 in Aquapelagos: An Ontology of Integrated Aquatic and Terrestrial Assemblages,. Philip Hayward and May Joseph (eds.) Routledge India, 2025.
Evans, Mike, Adrian Miller, Peter Hutchinson and Carlene Dingwall. “De-Colonizing Research Practice: Indigenous Methodologies, Aboriginal Methods, and Knowledge/Knowing”, pp. 263-281 in Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research. (2nd edn) Patricia Leavy (ed.) New York: NY, Oxford University Press, 2020. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190847388.013.18
Harris, Lindsay, Johannus Janmaat, Mike Evans, and Kenneth Carlaw “Negotiating the Frame for a Living Wage in Revelstoke BC: An Econ-Anthropological Approach”, Human Organization 77.3 (2018), pp. 202-213.
Evans, Mike and Lindsay Harris ‘Salmon as Symbol, Salmon as Guide: What anadromous fish can do for thinking about islands, ecosystems and the globe’, Shima 12.1 (2018): 1-12.
Cochrane, Logan, Jon Corbett, Mike Evans, and Mark Gill. “Searching for social justice in GIScience publications.” Cartography and Geographic Information Science 44.6 (2017): 507-520.
Hole, Rachelle D., Mike Evans, Lawrence D. Berg, Joan L. Bottorff, Carlene Dingwall, Carmella Alexis, Jessie Nyberg, and Michelle L. Smith. “Visibility and voice: Aboriginal people’s experiences of culturally safe and unsafe healthcare” Qualitative health research 25, no. 12 (2015): 1662-1674.
Foster, Stephen, Mike Evans, and the Prince George Métis Elders Society. “Prince George Métis Elder’s Documentary Project: Matching product with process in new forms of documentary” pp. 221-232 in Reverse Shots: Indigenous Film and Media in an International Context. Wendy Pearson and Susan Knabe (eds.) Waterloo: University of Waterloo Press, 2015.
Corbett, Jon, Mike Evans, Gabrielle Legault, and Zachary Romano “Relocating a sense of place using the participatory Geoweb: the Historical Document Database of the Métis Nation British Columbia” International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research. 6.1 (2015): 24-38.
Leunufna, Semuel and Mike Evans “Ensuring food security in the small islands of Maluku: A community genebank approach” Journal of Marine and Island Cultures 3.2 (2014): 125-133.
Evans, Mike, Kasondra White, Lawrence Berg, and the OUAHRC “‘They think you’re lying about your need’: The Impact of Appearances on Aboriginal Health and Social Service Access” Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 34.1 (2014): 55-72.
Hutchinson, Peter, Carlene Dingwall, Donna Kurtz, Mike Evans, Gareth Jones, Jon Corbett “Maintaining the Integrity of Indigenous Knowledge; Sharing Metis Knowing Through Mixed Methods” International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies. 7.1 (2014): 1-14.
Evans, Mike, Adrian Miller, Peter Hutchinson and Carlene Dingwall. “De-Colonizing Research Practice: Indigenous Methodologies, Aboriginal Methods, and Knowledge/Knowing”, pp. 179-191 in Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research. Patricia Leavy (ed.) New York: NY, Oxford University Press, 2014.
Ferguson, Hazel and Mike Evans, with the with the Northern Rivers Landed Histories Research Group. “Post-organic? The cultural dimensions of organic farming in the Northern Rivers of NSW” Locale: The Australasian-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies 3.1(2013): 1-28.
Evans, Mike, Jean Barman, and Gabrielle Legault, with Erin Dolmage and Geoff Appleby. “Métis Networks in British Columbia: Examples from the Central Interior” pp. 331- in Contours of a People: Family, Mobility and Territoriality in Metis History. Nicole St-Onge, Carolyn Podruchny and Brenda Macdougall (eds.). Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012.
Evans, Mike, Chris Andersen, Devin Dietrich, Carrie Bourassa, Tricia Logan, Lawrence D. Berg and Elizabeth Devolder. “Funding and Ethics in Métis Community Based Research: The Complications of a Contemporary Context” International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies 5.1 (2012): 54-66.
Evans, Mike, Stephen Foster, Jon Corbett, Erin Dolmage, Joanne Gervais, Raquel Mann, and Zachary Romano. “Representation in Participatory Video: Some Considerations from Research with Métis.” Journal of Canadian Studies 43.1 (2009): 87-108.
Evans, Mike, Rachelle Hole, Lawrence Berg. Peter Hutchinson, Dixon Sookraj, and the Okanagan Urban Aboriginal Research Health Collective. “Common Insights, Differing Methodologies: Towards a Fusion of Indigenous Methodologies, Participatory Action Research, and White Studies in an Urban Aboriginal Research Agenda” Qualitative Inquiry 15.5 (2009): 893-910.
Evans, Mike, Marcelle Gareau, Leona Nielson, Lisa Krebs, and Heidi Standeven (eds) What it is to be a Métis. Prince George: University of Northern British Columbia Press. Originally published 1999 – reprinted April 2007.
Wagner, John and Mike Evans, eds. 2007 Special Issue: Property and Ecology in Oceania. Special Issue of Human Organization, Human Organization 66.1.
Evans, Mike 2007 “Property, Propriety, and Ecology in Contemporary Tonga” Human Organization 66.1: 22-27.
Evans, Mike and Lisa Krebs with John Bogle, Bob Parris, and Heidi Standeven. A Brief History of the Short Life of the Island Cache. Solstice Series #2. 152 pages. Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press. Edmonton. 2004.
Evans, Mike. “Ethics, Anonymity, and Authorship in Community Centred Research”. Pimatisiwin: An International Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Health. 2.1. (2004). pp. 59 – 75.
Evans, Mike, Robert C Sinclair, Caroline Fusimalohi, and Viliami Liava’a “Globalization, diet and health: an example from Tonga”, International Bulletin of the World Health Organization 79.9 (2001): 856-862.
Evans, Mike. Persistence of the Gift: Tongan Tradition in Transnational Context. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo ON. 2001.